3216 – CRC CK25 AR – Competition 1/12th scale car kit
3216 – CRC CK25 AR – Competition 1/12th scale car kit
The new CK25AR is an exciting, affordable 1/12th scale kit with a ton of adjustments. Already a proven winner, dominating the 2021 NYGP, the AR takes adjustability, performance and affordability to the next level. Lets take a look at some of the new features of the AR;
Adjustable roll center center pivot - changing the rear roll center on previous versions of the CRC cars was a bit difficult. This new pivot on the AR makes roll center adjustments easy and quick. Now, with just a quick adjustment, the racer can raise the pivot (for more steering and aggressive cut ) or lower the pivot for a less aggressive chassis feel. Quick, easy and very strong. Plus, the clamping design allows the pivot to be adjusted free with no play.
New steering block - The new 3222 steering block has an optional steering tie-rod position that can be used to alter the steering feel. The new mounting position changes the Ackerman giving the car an aggressive steering response.
Solid axle or rear differential option - There are so many different classes of racing in the 1/12th division; modified motor, stock motor, foam tire, rubber tire, high grip carpet, low grip carpet or asphalt; you need a car that can adapt to the condition you plan to race without spending a ton of money. Once again, CRC to the rescue. The CK25AR comes with the solid axle setup that is commonly used on high bite carpet. The car also comes with the parts needed to make a differential. The differential is typically the choice for the popular GT12 rubber tire class. It is also preferred on low grip carpet or asphalt. With other brands, you are spending hundreds to get the parts you need, with CRC the parts are in the box.
The most ADJUSTABLE 1/12th car on the market - The other guys new car designs are removing adjustment adjustment options, no camber, no dynamic caster, no camber gain adjustments. And worse yet, the few adjustments they do offer are VERY expensive. You wanna change the camber on a CRC CK25AR, just a quarter turn with a hex wrench. The other guys, if you want to change from 1 degree to 2 degrees camber, break out $25 dollars. And if you want to go in 1/2 degree steps.... oh yea, that's another $25 dollars. And if you want to change camber gain... oh yeah, they don't offer that. How about dynamic caster, nope, that's gone too! With the CRC CK25AR, you have all those adjustments at your finger tips and it is all included in the box! You have 0,5 and 10 degrees of dynamic caster. Change the camber with just a twist of a hex wrench.
Optional side rail stiffeners - The new CK25AR is ready to accept the optional side rail stiffeners. The thought is; these rails offer extra rigidity, which on fast, high bite tracks, this extra stiffness can be beneficial. With the side rails added, the CK25AR's already stiff 2.5mm carbon fiber chassis is beefed up even stiffer. The amount of stiffness is adjustable by loosening and/or removing the front rail screws. Do you need these stiffening rails? Are they a must have ? Well, Jeff Dayger did NOT need them to win the 2021 New York GP at 360 Raceway which is known for its incredible high grip. You probably won't need them either. But, racers like to have all the bases covered, so we give you the option to add it to your CK25AR. And yes, just like full-scale F1 cars, no aluminum chassis! No expensive, bendable aluminum chassis is used on the CK25AR. Why? When you hit the wall hard with an aluminum chassis pan car, yup, that's a $100 bent chassis. Hit the wall with a CK25AR carbon fiber chassis, the composite goes right back to flat. Don't spend more, just win more with CRC!
Dedication and specialization in pan cars
At CRC, we don't build touring cars and we do not make offroad cars, we don't make nitro cars, we don't make truggies and we don't make buggies.... WE SPECIALIZE IN PAN CARS. We make the cars, we make the carpet they race on, we make the borders they race around and we make the tires they race on. AND we have been doing it for over 25 years. We specialize in pan cars and lead the way in design and engineering, right here in the U.S.A.. Most all the current generations of pan cars are revisions or tweaks to what we started on our CAD system and released to the public. When all the others were playing with T-bars, we were racing link cars, and now all the rest are using links as well. When all the rest played with batteries mounted off the centerline, we stayed with a center mounted pack, always with a transverse placement option, now all the others have their battery that way as well. When all the others were running on smaller rims, we made the High Roller wheel to the rules and now all the others are as well. Join the leaders at CRC.