AV1406-B Avid Rc LiPo Voltage Checker | 2S-8S | Black
AV1406-B Avid Rc LiPo Voltage Checker | 2S-8S | Black
The Avid LiPo Voltage Checker is a great way to check the voltage of your 2S-8S battery. Check the voltage by plugging the black wire of balance port to the left side of the checker.
The alarm will beep twice when you plug it in, which will scare you half to death!
Checks: 2S-8S LiPo / Li-ion / LiMn / Li-Fe
Total voltage display range: 0.5-36V
Low voltage alarm mode for 2S-8S
Alarm set value range: OFF or 2.7-3.8V/cell
Adjust alarm voltage by pressing the top button.
Voltage alarm voltage is preset at 3.3V/cell
Displays voltage on a red LVD screen and loops through individual cell voltages.
Reverse connection protected.