TODAY: 1/6 We will be racing our Carpet On-road Club race, we have changed our layout to that of the 2022 Snowbirds track, if you're planning on attending the 2023 Snowbirds this would be a great opportunity to practice! Racing starts at 6:15pm
TOMORROW: 1/7 We will be racing both Carpet Oval and Carpet Off-road, Doors open: 9:00am Qualifying Starts: 11:00am for both
January 21st: We will be holding our RC Resolutions Double Header (both On-road and Oval in the same day!), There is a $100 credit on the line for the overall double header champion! (See flyer and Event for more details) (Doors open: 9:00am, On-road: 10:00am, Oval: 3:00pm)
January 28: KDRC Battle For The Bling - Presented By: TheThomasRC.com we will be hosting this Off-road event for KDRC Racing / Thomas "The Thomas" Kauffman R/C there is $350 in total to be won and we will have a fresh off-road layout just for this event! You won't want to miss it! (Doors open: 9:00am, Racing Starts: 11:00am)
We are very excited to be hosting Race #1 of the EastCoast Carpet Oval Series on Feb 24-25, 2023
We will be sure to provide a lot more information soon!
-We are very excited to announce that we are officially going to be hosting the TOUR Nationals this year! We will be sure to update everyone with a firm date soon but it is looking like Early April.
-We are actively working on our website and still have lots to do but it will be www.997rcraceway.com we hope to have our online store open soon and this will be a great source of information for the track, racing, upcoming events, classes and rules, and much more so stay tuned!
-With the addition of the website we have also adopted a new system in the hobby shop as well, this should make transactions a lot quicker. We are still getting used to this new system so please be patient with us as we iron out the kinks.
7888 Anthony Hwy
Waynesboro PA 17268
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